Holiday Tech – must have’s for the discerning traveller

Technology is everywhere and is meant to be helpful (sometimes we think it’s also meant to frustrate you, but the tech companies swear that this isn’t the truth…). Sometimes a holiday is a time to switch off your phone and leave your laptop at home, but other times (like when you have two toddlers or a sulky teen), you need to just go with the flow. So, read on to see which technological products you can make use of to get the most out of you next holiday.

  • Planning your holiday: make sure you don’t forget a thing by using a to-do list app that can be synced to all your devices. Try Wunderlist.
  • Your iPad or tablet: download some fun apps to keep the kids entertained during long journeys. This way you get out long hours of i-Spy!
  • External hard drive: put enough movies on there to keep every member of the family entertained during rainy days
  • Your waterproof phone: take awesome photos under water or in the pool to make those memories last!
  • Solar chargers: nothing is as bad as your phone battery hitting a low during a fun day out taking photos. Take a solar charger with you and recharge during lunch.
  • Google Goggles App: want to know more about a really important-looking building, painting or item that you don’t know the name of? Start this app, point your camera and if Google has info on it, it will return with a Wikipedia entry about the place in front of you.
  • Google Maps: Use Google Maps before you land up in the roughest part of your new environment.
  • FourSquare: look up good places to eat or shop at by means of reviews from other visitors.
  • Google+ holiday timeline: load your photos to Google+ gallery and it will create a beautiful timeline gallery of where you were and when that you can share with your friends and family.